Supports up to 250 pounds when attached to heavy duty swing hangers (sold separately)
Meets/exceeds ASTM Safety Standards
For Residential Use Only. Unable to ship to commercial addresses
Note: hangars not included
Soak up sunny, memorable afternoons under the blue sky with this extra-big, extra-strength swing seats. These Heavy Duty Swing Seats are the perfect addition to your home playground. You get a reinforced plastic seat, attached securely to its plastic-coated steel chain with pelican hooks; easy-to-attach to almost any wooden swing set. Your chains are plastic-coated for pinch-free, rust-free, and squeak free grip; and are fully adjustable so you can decide the perfect swing height for your family. For your convenience, your new swing is a rich green color; blending with the trees and flowers, and giving your backyard a natural touch. Get your new Heavy Duty Swing Seat today, and get ready for some serious, outside-the-box fun. Brand: Swing-N-Slide, Model: 860200-010, Color: Green
Custom Tab 01
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