SwimSchool SSB10157 Beach Days BabyBoat

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  • LEVEL 1 - INTRODUCE BABY TO WATER: Whimsical, 3D graphics BabyBoat introduces your baby to the joys of water, ages 6-18 months.
  • GROW-WITH-ME: Backrest adjusts to support your growing child.
  • PLAY and SPLASH: Triple-layered, reinforced seat keeps baby comfortable too.
  • EASILY INFLATABLE and PORTABLE: Inflate and deflate easily. BabyBoat folds for portability and storage.
  • PERFECT SIZE: 28" (71cm) in diameter

  • Share the wonders of water with baby in the SwimSchool Beach Days BabyBoat. Only from SwimSchool, the inflatable BabyBoat features an adjustable backrest that supports your growing child. The backrest provides the secureness baby needs to feel comfortable in the water. The triple-layered, reinforced seat and backrest keep baby comfortable while exploring the water. Adorable water themed graphics add to the fun! Recommended for children 6-18 months. Inflated length of BabyBoat is 28” (71 cm). The BabyBoat is a key part of the SwimSchool Training System by Aqua-Leisure.
    Brand: SwimSchool, Model: SSB10157

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