Marky Sparky Blast Pad Pro - Missile Launcher

Marky Sparky
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  • OUTDOOR FUN: Keep active while having fun. Jump on the durable Blast Pad and watch a missile soar into the sky at over 90 feet per second. Just how far you can make it fly.
  • FUN FOR ALL: Boys and Girls of all ages will love watching their missile launch 90 feet per second by jumping on the durable Blast Pad Create excitement, Stay active, and Have fun.
  • HOW IT WORKS: It's "Kid" Powered. Set up Frame, Secure Blast Pad hose to frame and in 3, 2, 1 Jump onto the Blast Pad and watch your bolt missile rocket skyward with second to none distance.
  • MAXIMUM DISTANCE: Tested against every major competitor, Air bolt out-distanced all of them! Extremely light missile gives the ability to travel much greater distances than anything in its class.
  • INCLUDES:1- Blast Pad Pro - Missile Frame1- Launch Tube, 1- Blast Pad and Hose, 3- Air Bolt Missiles with Foam tips. Replacement missiles can be ordered. Recommended for ages 10 and up.

  • Send missiles rocketing skyward at over 90 feet per second. Air bolt is second to none in distance and time aloft. We have tested it against every major competitor. Air bolt out-distanced all of them. Air bolt uses a proprietary missile that is incredibly durable, featuring a foam nosecone for soft landings. Because Air Bolt Missiles are extremely light and long they can travel much greater distances than anything in its class. Blast Pad Pro Missile Launcher is the perfect for both boys and girls alike. Create excitement as they watch their missile soar through the sky. Outdoor fun that will keep them interested, active and with our durable design you can be assured that it will last. Simple construction allows almost anyone to assemble for playtime ready in a moments notice. Replacement missiles can be ordered. Recommended for ages 10 and Up.
    Brand: Marky Sparky, Model: 60014, Color: Multi

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