Jungle Gym Kingdom Swing Seat Heavy Duty 66" Chain Plastic Coated - Playground Swing Set Accessories Replacement (Green) with Snap Hooks

Jungle Gym Kingdom
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  • Snap Hooks are included for your convenience
  • FUN outdoors for kids, friends and adults enjoy your new swing set accessory parts or replacement swing seat on their playground, a must have DIY swing set attachment!
  • SAFE comfortable swing seat is copolymer plastic with grommets | Seat - green | Chain - yellow
  • FULLY ASSEMBLED Connected 66" 2/0 zinc-plated chains 30" yellow plastisol coating specifically designed not to pinch little fingers
  • Not intended for commercial use | Designed for residential use | Weight Limit: 300 lbs | Attaches easily to Jungle Gym Kingdom Swing Hangers (Sold Separately)

  • FUN Enjoy many exciting hours of backyard family fun with JGK's playground swing set seat, enjoyable for kids and adults. A comfortable swing seat is a vital part of your outdoor swingset accessories. It can be used as a tree swings seat or by easy connection fo Jungle Gym Kingdom swing hangers. WEIGHTYour flexible playset seat will conform to most anyone and hold up to the 300 pound weight limit. PINCHING Don't forget the plastic coated chains protect little fingers from pinching USE Goes well with Jungle Gym Kingdom 18" trapeze bar with rings, baby / toddler bucket swings, disc rope swings and other swing set stuff. This is the perfect soft swing for those rock climbing kids to hold on to, so let them sit back and enjoy the comfort that their new swing will bring to their smiling faces. Enjoy!
    Brand: Jungle Gym Kingdom, Color: green

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