UltraTech 1320 Polyethylene Ultra-Spill Deck P1 Module Bladder System, 1 Drum 1500 lbs Capacity, 5 Year Warranty, Yellow

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  • Hidden containment bladder automatically unfurls to capture large spills or drum leaks
  • Low profile, polyethylene containment decks which meet EPA and uniform fire code spill containment regulations
  • 1-Drum module
  • Low 5-3/4-inches deck height allows safe and convenient drum loading
  • Compact footprint saves valuable floor space - perfect for drum waste collection usage

  • UltraTech Ultra-Spill deck bladder systems. Hidden containment bladder automatically unfurls to capture large spills or drum leaks. Eco-Smart is also used to designate products that are biodegradable, phosphorus-free, use natural materials or assist in recycling. 100 percent re-cycled content. Ultra-Spill Deck Bladder Systems are low profile, polyethylene containment decks which meet EPA and Uniform Fire Code Spill Containment Regulations. Available in 1, 2 and, 4-drum modules, the low 5-3/4-inches deck height allows safe and convenient drum loading, even without drum handling equipment. Add the optional polyethylene loading ramp for even greater handling ease. Compact footprint saves valuable floor space - perfect for drum waste collection usage. Use the Spill Deck Bladder Systems in place of taller containment pallets - low 5-3/4-inches deck height offers significant safety and handling benefits. Overspills and small leaks are captured in the sump; catastrophic leaks deploy the bladder, allowing the system to meet regulations. Meets SPCC, EPA Container Storage Regulation 40 CFR 264.175, and UFC Spill Containment Regulations. 1500 pounds uniformly distributed load capacity. 77 Gallons containment capacity. 11 Gallons sump capacity prior to spill entering Bladder. Measures 25-7/8-inches length by 30-1/2-inches width by 5-3/4-inches height.
    Brand: UltraTech, Model: 01320, Color: Yellow

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