Honeywell Personal 16 oz. (473 ml) Sterile Saline Eye Wash Bottle with Extended Flow Nozzle, Trilingual

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  • SECONDARY EYE WASH: Support unit for immediate treatment while en route to primary eye wash station; buffered, sterile saline eye wash solution is superior to tap water which may contain contaminants
  • EXTENDED FLOW NOZZLE: 16 oz. (473 ml) bottle features an extended-flow nozzle to provide longer flow than conventional16 oz. containers
  • TAMPER-RESISTANT: Blow-fill-seal bottles feature a tamper-resistant cap to ensure quality and safety of the eye wash solution; easily removed in an emergency
  • ENSURED QUALITY: Ensured quality and lasting value with FDA-grade polyethylene eye wash bottles featuring lot numbersand expiration dates
  • TRILINGUAL INSTRUCTIONS: Simple, highly visible instructions in English, Spanish & French are provided on each bottle;does not meet the current ANSI Z358.1 15-minute flushing requirement

  • Honeywell Personal 16 oz. (473 ml) Sterile Saline Eye Wash Bottles with Extended Flow Nozzle offer a secondary eye wash solution while en route to a primary eye wash station. The extended-flow nozzle provides a longer flow than conventional 16 oz. containers. The buffered, sterile saline eye wash solution is superior to tap water, which may contain bacteria or contaminants. The blow-fill-seal bottles feature tamper-resistant caps to ensure the quality and safety of the eye wash solution, but the caps are easily removed in an emergency. English, Spanish & French instructions.
    Brand: Honeywell, Model: 32-000454-0000-H5

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