Turntable / Phono Preamp Preamplifier Pre Amplifier W Aux Input and Volume Control

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  • A high-quality RIAA phono preamplifier for use with turntables equipped with moving magnet cartridges.
  • Accurate and stable integrated circuit design. S/N Ratio 80dB.
  • Gold plated input and output connectors for reliable performance.
  • Stylish solid metal case for improved resistance to electrical noise.
  • Output level control allows adjustment to provide balance with other sources.

  • This Phono Preamplifier adds phono capability to any amplifier or receiver that has a spare AUX/CD/DVD Audio line level input. It can also be used to input a turntable directly into a mixer or computer soundcard. With its precise RIAA equalization and a s/n ratio of 80dB, this preamp's sound quality easily matches or exceeds that of the phono preamps found built into the highest quality stereo components. Its switch-selectable AUX input replaces the one it occupies on the stereo or computer, eliminating the need to connect and disconnect sources that share the input with this preamp. The output level control makes use with sound cards extremely convenient and allows the elimination of large volume differences when switching between sources. Specifications: Distortion: 0.06% max. Frequency Response: /-0.5 db, 20 Hz - 20 kHz. Input Impedance: Phono: 47k Ohms200 pF (nominal). Aux (Line): 10 kOhms. Output impedance: 200 Ohms. Channel Separation: 50 dB. Crosstalk: 40 dB (phono), at any audio frequency. Phono Sensitivity: 3.3 mV. Nominal Output: 300 mV. Signal To Noise Ratio: 80 dB. Power supply: DC 12V 300ma (included). Package Contents: Phono Preamplifier with Aux input and volume control, 110VAC to 12VDC US Power adapter, 3ft gold plated stereo RCA cable, 3.5mm to stereo RCA PC adapter cable.
    Brand: TEC, Model: TC-753LC, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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