Polk Audio RC60i 2-Way In-Ceiling Speakers (Pair, White)

Polk Audio
Out Of Stock


  • Pair of in-ceiling/in-wall speakers with a round shape and flush design to mimic the look of an unobtrusive recessed lighting fixture
  • Equipped with one 6.5-inch dynamic-balance, polymer-composite cone with a rubber surround. Sensitivity: 89 dB
  • Frequency Response: 40Hz - 20kHz
  • Equipped with one 0.75-inch dynamic-balance, metalized soft dome tweeter in ball-and-socket swivel mount
  • Constructed of durable, moisture-resistant materials for use in bathrooms, saunas, or under outdoor eaves

  • RCi Series In-Wall Speakers deliver incredible Polk sound to every room in your home without using any floor or shelf space! Now you have new options for more flexibility and performance from Polk Audio. Out of the box and into the wall (or ceiling), that's how easy it is to install new Polk Audio RCi Series In-ceiling Loudspeakers like the RC60i. Dynamic Balance drivers and aimable tweeters ensure spacious imaging with amazing clarity as well as a well-balanced sound in any listening position, not just a small "sweet spot." Paint them to match your decor and they practically disappear, leaving you with nothing but high performance sound! Installation is easy as 1-2-3: cut one hole, feed the wires, and simply drop the speaker in. Rotating Cams secure the speaker safely with no extra assembly or mess.
    Brand: Polk Audio, Model: AW0060-B|4, Color: White, Size: 6.5 Inch

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