SMSL SD793-II PCM1793 DIR9001 DAC Digital Audio Decoder Amplifier, Black

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  • Smsl sd-793ii decoder uses the top digital receiver chip dir9001
  • Smsl sd-793ii uses the classic match dir9001pcm1793opa2134 classic match, can reach a good sound
  • Hi-fi stereo quality
  • Coaxial or optical fiber interface

  • The input interface: coaxial or optical fiber ( with switch ) The input frequency: 44.1, 48, 96KHZ/16/24BIT The signal to noise ratio: >113db Dynamic range: 105dB. distortion: 1KHZ%0.0006 The rated output: 1.7VPP The frequency response ( -0.2db ): 20-20KHz The whole machine power <8w headphone output power: 65mw16 130mw32; headphone output distortion: 0.01%thdn100mw/32the machine volume: 128 x 77 x 35mm ( including protruding parts) weight: 0.5kg ( actual weight carriage outside packing structure. ) configuration: sd-793ii host 1, manual 1 ( in english ), universal with japanese pse power 1. voltage: 100-240acv universal power supply. headphone="" output="" power:="" 65mw16="" 130mw32;="" headphone="" output="" distortion:="" 0.01%thdn100mw/32="" the="" machine="" volume:="" 128="" x="" 77="" x="" 35mm="" (="" including="" protruding="" parts)="" weight:="" 0.5kg="" (="" actual="" weight="" carriage="" outside="" packing="" structure.="" )="" configuration:="" sd-793ii="" host="" 1,="" manual="" 1="" (="" in="" english="" ),="" universal="" with="" japanese="" pse="" power="" 1.="" voltage:="" 100-240acv="" universal="" power="">8w headphone output power: 65mw16 130mw32; headphone output distortion: 0.01%thdn100mw/32the machine volume: 128 x 77 x 35mm ( including protruding parts) weight: 0.5kg ( actual weight carriage outside packing structure. ) configuration: sd-793ii host 1, manual 1 ( in english ), universal with japanese pse power 1. voltage: 100-240acv universal power supply.>
    Brand: SMSL, Model: SD793II, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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