Cambridge Minx Min 12 Satellite Bookshelf Speaker - Each (Black)

Cambridge Audio
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  • Balanced Mode Radiator (BMR) technology affords Minx to be ultra-small and discreet, yet still offer the audio performance of a traditional box speaker. Unlike other style systems, which display obvious separation between the source of bass and higher frequencies, Minx sounds truly integrated for the purest possible sound.
  • The Black Minx Min 12 measures just 3.1" square, but thanks to its 2.25" BMR driver, it delivers power and refinement that defies its size. The compact speaker offers a variety of prime placement options with a standard 3/8" speaker mount.
  • The BMR driver technology used in Minx gives the system an incredibly wide dispersion of sound. This allows Minx to be placed almost anywhere in the room and still sound fantastic wherever you may be sitting.
  • Unlike many style speaker packages which use low quality spring clips or custom cabling, Minx offers universal connection to any home cinema receiver or amplifier with an ingenious speaker terminal design, which can be removed to support 4mm banana plugs.
  • Minx's modular system can be customised and added to, whatever you need. Whether you need a 2.1 or 11.2 speaker system, thanks to a range of and speakers and subwoofers in different sizes and colours, there is no limit to the combinations you can create for your perfect system.

  • Small size, powerful performance, the Cambridge Audio Min 12 speaker redefines what a compact speaker can do. 4th generation BMRTM (Balanced Mode Radiator) speaker technology utilized a single, flat panel to create a wide bandwidth sound with excellent power handling across an ultra-wide range of frequencies via a piston-like driver. Connect to any home cinema receiver or amplifier with the Minx speaker terminal design which can be removed to support banana plugs. Mount your Minx speaker to a floorstand or wallmount system, or simply place it on any surface - no matter where you want sound, the Minx is easy to place, and with a beautiful white gloss lacquer finish, you might just leave them visible to show off. Couple the 8cm square Min 12 with a digital Minx subwoofer that's packed with state-of-the-art technology like downward firing drivers and Auxiliary Bass Radiators (ABRs) designed to deliver wall-shaking bass. Single Speaker - Sold Individually
    Brand: Cambridge Audio, Model: FBA_Minx Min12 BLK, Color: black

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