Uberstix Scavenger UberFo 25 Piece Set

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  • The building kit contains 25 Pieces and one scavenger list detailing a few commonly recycled household items you will need to secure in order to build each of the Uberstix Scavenger Projects
  • Before you know it, you will be combining Uberstix with your existing building systems and additional common household recyclables to build much more than you orignally expected
  • THE Überstix Scavenger Recycling Series includes the first toys to reward kids for recycling and offer a fun approach to teaching kids about green living at an early age
  • When you open the construction kit, you will discover that it requires more than just building it
  • Contents: 75-piece kit, instruction booklet, and scavenger list

  • UberstixUberFo Kit25 Piece Scavenger Recycling SeriesGreen ScienceUberstix works with recycled materials, i.e McDonald's straws, Popsicle sticks, paper cups, paper clips, water bottles etc... so everyone can build with unlimited creativity. Uberstix mates with all major build systems i.e. Legos, KNeX,Erector,Zoobs, Zome etc...so you can integrate them with parts that you may already have.This is a scavenger hunt and a construction set all in one.The only toy in the world that rewards kids for recycling!Recycle common items to build a working model.Includes the followingUberstix parts and scavenger list:10 CubStix10 I-Stix5 QuarkComplete InstructionsAges 7 to adultSmall parts: choking hazard. Not for children under age 3 years
    Brand: Uberstix, Model: U00325

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