Learning Resources Gears! Gears! Gears! Gizmos Building Set, 83 Pieces

Learning Resources
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  • Gears toys are designed to help strengthen problem solving skills, critical thinking and engineering skills
  • All Gears sets are great for learning skills in a hands-on way - tactile learners will love these sets
  • Kids will be challenged to make all the gears spin with the use of 1 crank - an engineering feat
  • This Gears set includes colorful small, medium and large gears, base plates, various connectors, pillars, 6-way axels, crown gear, peg adapters, propeller, crank, and sticker sheet
  • Great for ages 3

  • Put any kid's creativity in motion with Gizmos. Includes springs, spirals and propeller, plus small, medium and large gears and bases. This big 83-piece construction set can be used alone or combined with other Gears!Gears!Gears! sets.
    Brand: Learning Resources, Model: LER9171, Color: Multi

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