Popular Playthings Playstix Flexible Set

Popular Playthings
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  • Popular Playthings present a new dimension to the Playstix experience - featuring the Flexible Set where bendy pieces make building cool stuff a snap!
  • Set Includes 12 groovy flexible pieces and 46 rigid, 2 Snap-On heads, 8 Snap-On feet plus a handy dandy Idea Book to evoke inspiration
  • There's ample components to design and construct the new Playstix Flexible "Crazy Creatures"
  • The plastic pieces feature an easy-linking, grooved design, so children can build super-stable constructions in any shape they can imagine
  • Think it! Build it! Playstix are cool Toys allowing kids to construct the ordinary, and then be further inspired to create the extraordinary

  • Popular Playthings present a new dimension to the Playstix experience - featuring the Flexible Set where bendy pieces make building cool stuff a snap! Set Includes 12 groovy flexible pieces and 46 rigid, 2 Snap-On heads, 8 Snap-On feet; plus a handy-dandy Idea Book to evoke inspiration. There are ample components to design and construct the new Playstix Flexible "Crazy Creatures." The twisting plastic pieces feature an easy-linking, grooved design, so children can build super-stable constructions in any shape imaginable. Think it! Build it! Playstix are cool Toys allowing kids to construct the ordinary and then be further inspired to create the extraordinary. Popular Playthings takes great pride in offering traditional toys that appeal the child in all of us. Their collection of toys holds kids interest, foster creativity, educate through practical means and encourage group play and collaboration. The play value and benefits of these toys doesn't depend upon any technical bells and whistles, but offer the hold-in-your-hand "real deal" for folks seeking puzzles, games or vehicle construction sets. Popular Playthings: Toys for learning and toys for fun.
    Brand: Popular Playthings, Model: 90003

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