Includes 50 Tall-Stacker Pegs, Lauri Crepe Rubber 11.5" Pegboard, Activity Guide
Perfect beginning construction set for little hands because it's fun and educational; for ages 2 and up
Play & Learn: color sorting, color matching, adding, subtracting, fine motor skills
Start with the 100-hole crepe rubber pegboard and build up using the pegs!
Products that are great fun from children to adults
Use your imagination to build large and tall creations!
Children will think they're just having fun with this versatile teaching toy, but they're actually building fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as they fit the Tall-Stacker Pegs into the Lauri crepe rubber pegboard. They will learn early math skills like counting, adding, and subtracting while working on their building projects. Playing with the colorful pegs also helps children build useful sorting and matching skills as they make designs. Lauri crepe rubber is bright, durable, soft, latex-free and washable! Brand: PlayMonster, Model: 2446, Color: Assorted, Size: 2-5/8 H in
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