Features 4 ball gun turrets with space for minifigures, 8 top-mounted flick missile launchers, side and rear doors, swoop bike and a lifting handle
Weapons include 2 Lightsabers, blaster pistol, blaster and a blaster rifle
Aim the turrets and fire; Restock the flick missile launchers Open the cockpits and put the minifigures inside
Recreate awesome battle scenes from Star Wars": Episode II Attack of the Clones
Measures over 7" high, 18" long and 16" wide
Race to GeonosisTM in the awesome LEGO Star WarsTM Republic Gunship to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala before they're overpowered by 2 Super Battle DroidsTM! Use the swoop bike to your advantage with the help of the four ball gun turrets. Use the lifting handle for easier flying-action role-play! Brand: LEGO, Model: 6025075
Custom Tab 01
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