Includes rancor, skeleton and 3 minifigures: Luke Skywalker, Malakili and a Gammorrean gua.
Features opening gate, secret room and hidden compartment.
Rancor Pit measures over 6" (16cm) high, 7" (19cm) wide and 7" (20cm) deep.
Accessories include bone, 2 keys, pitchfork and a bucket.
Rancor features movable arms, jaw, hands and fingers.
Build a famous scene from Star WarsTM: Episode VI Return of the JediTM with this stackable set! Jedi Master Luke Skywalker is trapped in the RancorTM Pit beneath Jabba the Hutt's Palace and must escape. Look for a way out before the gate lifts and the mighty rancor makes an entrance! Battle the rancor with the bone before he eats the Gammorrean guard. Then, find the hidden compartment with a secret key or drop the gate on the space beast before it's too late! Combine with LEGO Star Wars LEG-9516L Jabba's Palace for a stackable scene with a trapdoor into the Rancor Pit! Includes rancor, skeleton and 3 minifigures: Luke Skywalker, Malakili and Gammorrean Guard. Brand: LEGO, Model: 6025099
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