LEGO Series 9 Collectible Minifigure - Cyclops with Club (71000)

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  • A must-have for LEGO minifigure collectors

  • "I've got my eye on you."

    Forever watchful and alert, the Cyclops is the only inhabitant of a distant, uncharted island. He stares out to sea with his one unblinking eye, roaring at anyone who sails too close to the shore. But although he looks big and mean, he secretly hides a very sensitive soul beneath his scowling exterior.

    Who wants to be a monster all the time There isn't a lot to do when you live all alone on a deserted island, so the Cyclops spends most of his spare time writing poetry and building sculptures out of driftwood and seashells. He hopes to one day find a friend who really understands him -- and with whom he can finally see eye-to-eye!
    Brand: LEGO, Model: Series 9

    Custom Tab 01

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