Includes: 219 pieces, with 3 minifigures: Steve with pick axe and 2 Zombies.
Experience The Dungeon; launch a surprise zombie attack.
Rotate the spawner; the perfect set for fans of LEGO building and Minecraft.
Rebuild for more Minecraft creations; measures 3" (9cm) high, 7" (19cm) wide and 6" (17cm) deep.
Combine this biome with others in the series to create your own LEGO Minecraft world.
Enter the zombie-spawning dungeon at your peril! Enter The Dungeon, with a zombie-spawning function, chest, wheat, redstone, 3 torches, pickaxe, Steve, 2 zombies and more. Venture into The Dungeon on a perilous quest for valuable ores! Craft torches from your resources to light your way and disable the mob spawner. Wield your iron pickaxe to defeat the roaming zombies, then mine the gold ore and grab the chest containing wheat and redstone. But watch out. zombies can spawn anywhere! Rebuild the set for more LEGO Minecraft creations! Includes 3 Minecraft minifigures with assorted accessories: Steve and 2 zombies. The Dungeon features a spawner with rotating function, secret opening wall where zombies can spring a surprise attack, chest with wheat and redstone elements, 3 buildable torches, brick-built cactus, moss stone block element and a gold ore element. Sand-colored roof section can be removed and added to bottom section to enlarge the playing area or rebuilt into a set of stairs for exiting the dungeon. Brand: LEGO, Model: 21119
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