Build a 2-story riding club stables and yard with fun horse training equipment and activities
Includes Stephanie and Mia mini-doll figures, plus two horses and a mouse
Stables are over 6" high, 12" wide and 5" deep
LEGO Friends building toys are compatible with all LEGO construction sets for creative building
575 pieces - For boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 12 years old
Use the horse exerciser to warm up the ponies, then practice jumping-you can even raise the bar when you've got the hang of it. Groom the horses and get dressed in the changing area. After the competition put the horses to bed and hang out with Mia and Stephanie in the Riding Club cafeteria before bedding down in the loft-it's another early start tomorrow! A great toy for 8-year-olds. Brand: LEGO, Model: 6136478, Color: Multi-colored, Size: 575 Piece
Custom Tab 01
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