LEGO Friends Heartlake Pet Salon 41007

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  • Includes Emma and Joanna mini-doll figures.
  • Features poodle, rotating grooming table, bath tub, birdhouses, shop counter, accessory stand, water dish and faucet.
  • Collect all of the LEGO Friends sets for a whole world of LEGO Friends fun!
  • Shop for everything your pet needs!
  • Also includes purple hair accessories, grooming tools, pet food, decorated bottles and hanging packages with pet accessories.

  • With the LEGO Friends Heartlake Pet Salon, children can build and customize their own grooming salon. The included LEGO Friends mini-dolls can groom a pet poodle on the rotating grooming table, stock a pet boutique with food and accessories, and give pets baths in the LEGO bathtub. Children can combine the LEGO pieces in this set with any other LEGO Friends product for hours of creative fun.

    Build and run your own pet salon.
    Emma and Joanna offer hours of role playing fun.
    Pet Salon with Plenty of Room to Play This LEGO Friends set invites children to build and run their own toy pet salon. This set includes two LEGO Friends, a white poodle, and a variety of grooming accessories, including a bubble bathtub, blow dryers, and brushes. A grooming table rotates for easy access. Stock the boutique area with pet food, bones, and purple hair accessories with flowers and bows. When LEGO pets get thirsty, you can pretend to fill the included dog bowl at the salon tap.

    Build the Salon and Then Play in It With detailed instructions suitable for kids from 6 to 12 years old, the LEGO Friends Heartlake Pet Salon makes it easy and fun to build a fully equipped pet salon. Your child's fine motor skills will get a workout as they construct the storefront, boutique, tub, and front yard with birdhouses and flowers. Kids can also practice role-playing as they pretend to run a pet-grooming salon, making the Emma mini-doll groom Joanna's pretty white poodle.

    Set Has Many Areas for Storytelling Fun When children play with the Heartlake Pet Salon, they can pretend to ring up customers, groom pets, or watch birds nest in the birdhouses next to the shop's front door. Your child can customize the shop by moving the pieces and snapping them into different places. LEGO Friends mini-dolls and bricks are compatible with other LEGO bricks and accessories.

    What's In The Box LEGO Friends Heartlake Pet Salon (242 pieces) including Emma and Joanna mini-doll figures, poodle, rotating grooming table, and building instructions.

    Includes a poodle and accessories for hours of pet-grooming fun.

    Brand: LEGO, Model: 6024561

    Custom Tab 01

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