LEGO Chima Lennox Lion Attack 70002

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  • Includes 2 minifigures: Crug and Lennox and a weapon.
  • Features CHI, big claw attack function, all-wheel drive, lion head front and rapid-fire disc shooter.
  • Measures over 3" (10cm) high, 7" (19cm) long and 6" (16cm) wide.
  • Power through the jungle with all-wheel drive!
  • Includes Crug's standard weapon.

  • Crug is after the CHI powering the mighty Lion Attack vehicle. Catch him with the all-wheel drive then help brave Lennox to deploy the big claw attack. Load up the rapid-fire disc shooter and send that CHI-swiping scavenger back to the swamp where he came from. Includes two minifigures and a weapon.
    Brand: LEGO, Model: 6024410

    Custom Tab 01

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