K'NEX Education - Amusement Park Experience

K'NEX Education
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  • Combines real-world applications with STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) concepts in a middle school classroom environment
  • Supports 6-8 students working in teams to build 13 amusement park rides, including 2 roller coasters, up to two at a time!
  • Includes 2,264 K'NEX pieces
  • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher's guide CD included
  • For 5th through 9th grade classrooms
  • Adheres to many Common Core Standards, found below

  • The K'NEX Education Amusement Park Experience Set provides an opportunity to combine real-world applications with STEM concepts in a middle school classroom environment. Using these materials, students will be engaged and energized as they experience the interrelationships and further their knowledge and understanding of the science, technology, engineering and math concepts associated with such rides and structures. The Teacher's Guide offers a teaching approach that challenges students to take an active role in constructing their own knowledge by engaging in hands-on, inquiry-based learning, and by interacting and collaborating with other students while discussing ideas and concepts, informs the activities associated with the K'NEX Education Amusement Park set. Set includes 2264 K'NEX parts - enough to build 13 K'NEX Amusement Park Rides, including 2 Roller Coasters! Builds two of most models simultaneously. Support 6 - 8 students working as teams. Grades 5 - 9. Building instructions comprehensive teacher's guide aligned to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards included. Packaged in three strong storage trays with Snap-on lids. STEM Education focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts taught through problem-solving, discovery, exploratory learning and critical thinking. STEM Education requires students to be active participants in the learning. K'NEX models offer hands-on learning opportunities that encourage scientific inquiry, investigation and experimentation. Our inquiry-based lessons challenge students as they build, investigate, problem solve, discuss, and evaluate scientific and design principles in action. Aligned to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math standards.
    Brand: K'NEX Education, Model: 78890, Color: Multi

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