104-piece system of interlocking shapes that can be combined in endless ways to make wonderful and colorful creations at the intersection of art and mathematics.
This is a great STEM construction toy that encourages the exploration of 3D geometry and fosters creativity.
The interconnection method is simple and intuitive even for young children; no prior knowledge is necessary.
Includes 36 triangular pieces, 36 square pieces, 12 pentagonal pieces, 20 hexagonal pieces, and a deck of 28 double-sided cards.
Compact and great for travel.
This 104-piece kit with 28 two-sided idea cards is a great starter set. The idea cards show geometric solids (Platonic, Archimedean, Johnson, nonconvex solids, prisms, etc.) as well as other creative constructions. More pictures can be found at www.itsphun.com. Pieces range from 2'' to 4'' in diameter and are approx 1/32'' in thickness. They are made of child-friendly food-grade plastic. Pieces from the ITSPHUN Polygon and Star kits can be interconnected. Dr. Toy Best 10 (Building), 2015. Creative Child Magazine 2015 Creative Play of the Year award (Builder & Construction Creative Play category). Editor's Choice Blue Ribbon at the 2012 World Maker Faire New York and Best in Class at the 2014 and 2015 Bay Area Maker Faires. Featured in the Scientific American educational gift guide for 2012. Brand: ITSPHUN
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