Giant Tumbling Timbers

Yard Games
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  • Comes with 56 - 7.5" x 2.5" x 1.5" timbers (2 extra blocks provided for the bottom row for added height)
  • Game starts with 19 levels of timbers 2.5-feet tall (can grow to over 5-feet while playing )
  • Perfect for indoor or outdoor events such as parties, BBQ's, tailgating, group events, camping and much more
  • Includes high-quality and high-strength nylon carrying case for easy transport
  • Provides fun for the whole family, anyone can play

  • YardGames Giant Tumbling Timbers includes 56 - 1.5" x 2.5" x 7.5" pieces and 19 rows of tumbling timbers fun. Please note this game comes with 2 extra timbers for the bottom row for added height and easiest packaging arrangement. This timber game stands 2.5 feet tall to start and depending on your level of experience can reach a height of 5 feet! this game is great to take outdoors and is perfect for group events, parties, camping and more. Tumbling Timbers can be played by 2 or more players. First, build the tower, then take turns to remove a block (using only one hand) and place on the top. The object is to be the last player to successfully stack a wooden block without knocking down the tower. This set is made with beautifully crafted undecorated solid pine wood and is hand cut and sanded for smooth game play. The bottom level only has two timbers to begin, using 56 timbers allows for the easiest packing arrangement. Our set comes with two extra blocks to add to the height and fun.
    Brand: Yard Games, Model: timbers-01

    Custom Tab 01

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