Froebel Gift 7 Paper Parquetry Geometry Shapes

Froebel USA
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  • 172 sturdy cardstock pieces
  • Instruction booklet

  • Seventh in a series of Froebel Gifts, this set represents the surfaces of the previous Gifts. Moving from 3-D to 2-D is the next level of abstraction. The child will learn recognize and name the various shapes, see similarities/differences, and experience patterns of symmetry. The 7th Gift guides children from constructing objects to representing them in two dimensions. Includes 172 glossy colored (heavy paperboard cardstock) pieces and an instruction booklet. The 7 different shapes include: Square (1" and 2") Equilateral triangle (1" and 2") Right-angled isosceles triangle (1" and 2") Right-angled scalene triangle Obtuse isosceles triangle Circle (2") Half circle (2") Each shape comes in a pair of complementary colors (orange/blue, red/green, yellow/purple, etc.). Jumbo versions of the circle, square and triangles are provided for younger children under age 4.
    Brand: Froebel USA, Model: FP-7

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