Engino Discovering Stem: Levers, Linkages & Structures Building Kit

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  • Engino brings complex concepts into clear focus for budding engineers and scientists with award winning components and step by step illustrated assembly instructions
  • Learn how Levers can be used for increasing an applied force or changing the direction of motion and how they integrate with Structures
  • Build 16 working models such as a seesaw, a movable weight scale, a wheelbarrow, a parking gate, a toy with moving figures, a panto-graph and two types of linkages and 8 Structures
  • Manual includes 14 pages of theory and facts, a 4 page quiz, 7 pages of experimental activities illustrating uses of levers and linkages
  • Models illustrated online at Engino' s website or using the Engino 3D app downloadable free for Android or Apple iOS. MADE IN CYPRUS

  • Engino for ages 8 and up. Engino - MECHANICS - Levers, Linkages & Structures - brings complex designs into simple focus with 13 pages of clear, 3-D rendered, instructions with more models illustrated online at Engino' s website or using the Engino 3D app downloadable free for Android or Apple iOS. The manual also includes 14 pages of theory and facts, a 4 page quiz, 7 pages of experimental activities illustrating uses of levers and linkages. Learn how Levers can be used for increasing an applied force or changing the direction of motion. Find out how you can create models with complex motion by connecting many levers together and learn how these Linkages can be applied to various machines. Build 16 WORKING MODELS such as a seesaw, a movable weight scale, a wheelbarrow, a parking gate, a toy with moving figures, a pantograph and two types of linkages and 8 STRUCTURE MODELS. Or add some imagination and make something new. - The Engino Building System was invented by Costas Sisamos, a former teacher and engineer for the purpose of helping students build technological models creatively and easily to experiment and learn about science and technology in a way that includes all the benefits of play. Research grants from local and E.U. sources helped transition the three year research project into an innovative product. Since then Engino has developed more snap-fit components such as gears, pulleys, motors, and solar panels. The major advantage of the Engino system is that it's design flexibility enables children to build simple or complex models quickly using a small number of components.
    Brand: Engino, Model: ENG-STEM901

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