Natural Shape Stacker - Made in USA

Maple Landmark
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  • Made from hardwood maple in Middlebury, VT
  • Laser engraved details
  • 6 shapes
  • Sanded smooth to the touch. Unfinished
  • Ages 18 months and Up

  • The Stacker, designed for children 6 months and up introduces 4 basic educational concepts. Shapesthe shapes are a triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, and circle Shape Nameseach of the shapes have the name of the shape engraved in the side Numberseach of the sides of the shape have a number engraved on the toptriangle has 1-2-3, square 1-2-3-4 and so on. Patterningsmallest to largest size The stacker also helps little ones work on their gross motor skills and provides wonderful tactile experiences. Made from locally, sustainably harvested, solid hardwood maple, each piece is sanded smooth with engraved details. The entire stack measures just shy of 5÷ tall (each piece is 3/4" thick) and the largest shapecircle is 5 1/2" across. The dowel to hold the pieces is a hefty 1÷ thick. Care Instructions: Wash by wiping with warm soapy water. Do not soak wood products in water or put in dishwasher as they may dry unevenly, causing the wood to crack.
    Brand: Maple Landmark

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