Organic Farm Buddies Rattle, Boxer the dog

Apple Park
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  • Safe for babiesNaturally hypoallergenic100% natural corn fiber fillingCertified free of harmful chemicals
  • Entertain your baby with Ballerina Mouse, the Organic Farm Buddies Teething Rattle from Apple Park
  • The stuffed rattle features an adorable Organic Farm Buddies character with a rattle inside
  • Safe for babies the 4'' x 6'' rattle is made with 100% organic cotton fabric and stuffed with natural hypoallergenic corn fiber fill
  • Winner of Dr. Toy's Best Green Product Award, Best Vacation Product Award, and Best Bay Area Toy Company Award
  • Safe for children, better for the environment, and always beautifully green, that's the Apple Park Promise

  • Boxer the Dog has a cute spotted eye on his blue striped face and a dapper red bowtie. The front of the rattle is khaki with imperial red polka dots and the back is a solid earthy brown. This adorable baby toy has a rattle in its head and hand stitched facial features. It is the perfect size for little hands to grasp and shake. Organic Farm Buddies are handmade using all natural materials, like 100% certified organic cotton, corn fiber filling, and dyes. All of the packaging is printed on recycled paper with azlon from soy ink. Farm Buddies are naturally hypoallergenic, so they are great for newborns and babies with allergies or sensitive skin. This plush toy makes a perfect gift for baby showers. Safe for children, better for the environment, and always beautifully green… that's the Apple Park Promise.
    Brand: Apple Park, Model: TF010, Color: Boxer the dog

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