Ducks are made from high quality, brightly colored rubber and float
Great for bath time, the kiddie pool or any time
Includes 6 different colored ducky's and 2 fishing poles with lines and hooks
Recommended for children 2 years of age and older
Janod Ducky - Fishing Game lets your little ones go duck hunting on land or sea. Let your ducky's loose, then chase after them with your fishing rod. They move in water, but can be placed anywhere indoors or outdoors. Challenge your friends by playing hide-and-seek with them! Follow them into the tub for some good clean fun! The ducks can be caught by getting the fishing hook through the hole in the ducks tail. Includes 6 different colored ducky's and 2 fishing poles with lines and hooks. Recommended for children 2 years of age and older Brand: Janod, Model: J03246, Color: multi, Size: one size
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