Imagination Generation Wooden Wonders Push-n-Pull Spotted Cow Toy

Imagination Generation
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  • Push and pull this spotted cow all around the house!
  • Made from natural cuts of wood, sanded smooth and brightly colored with safe paints.
  • A classic, kid-powered toy that never needs batteries.Great for crawlers, toddlers, and walkers.
  • Develops both fine and gross motor skills and gets little legs and arms moving!
  • Wide 2.25" base resists tipping for more fluid, fun play.Ages 12m.

  • A classic, kid-powered toy that never needs batteries!

    This wooden animal pal is equipped with wheels and can be whisked to and fro! Great for crawlers, walkers, and toddlers. For more fluid, fun play, we gave our push-n-pull toys a wide and steady 2.25" base that resists tipping, so push it around by hand or tug it along by the bright, 8" white cord! Suitable for ages 12m.

    Why You'll Love It: Some toys are just time-tested classics. Push-n-Pull toys are fun and active. They develop fine and gross motor skills, and they really grow with their kids, keeping up with crawlers and walkers alike! Each cut of all-natural wood is sanded smooth and vibrantly colored with safe paints tested and certified free of soluble heavy metals.

    Brand: Imagination Generation, Model: TCDG-021, Color: White

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