HABA Rattling Max Dangling Figure (Made in Germany)

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  • HABA's Rattling Max Dangling Figure is a classic! Max's body bends to clack against itself making a subtle and soothing rattle sound. Perfect for babies aged 6 months and up.
  • The ring at the bottom can be used for grabbing or attaching other toys. Attach to your stroller or infant car seat to keep your child entertained by grabbing, rattling or pulling at the toy!
  • Ever get frustrated with rattles falling to the floor HABA's "hanging" rattles can be easily clipped to any fabric (e.g. on a baby carrier, blanket, dad's shirt) using our wooden clips (sold separately)
  • For HABA responsibility is written in capital letters. Made from beech wood that comes from sustainable forestry in Germany.
  • When applying colors, we use multiple layers of water-based, solvent-free lacquers making the surface extremely resistant to wear and tear allowing the toy to be taken from the hand to the mouth.

  • HABA's Max Dangling Figure is a classic! Max's body bends to clack against itself making a subtle and soothing rattle sound. The ring at the bottom can be used for grabbing or attaching other toys. Attach to your stroller or infant car seat to keep your child entertained by grabbing, rattling or pulling at the toy!
    Brand: HABA, Model: 1223

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