Fisher-Price Little People Disney Princess, Cinderella's Coach

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  • Coach is filled with fun surprises & sounds
  • Kids will love role playing with Cinderella
  • Trunk opens to reveal mice friends
  • Includes Cinderella figure and coach with horse, mice and open-and-close trunk
  • Bring Cinderella to the Little People Disney Princess Songs Palace to hear her phrases & song (Palace sold separately and subject to availability)

  • Magical coach will take your little one and her movie character friends to the ball View largerCinderella's Coach is pulled by a white horse (of course!) and is loaded with character details and styling from the original movie View largerLittle girls will have fun using their imaginations and playing out the story with Prince Charming View larger
    Let's Go to the Ball

    This magical coach will take your little one and her movie character friends to the ball! Easily open the top half of the glittering coach so the Cinderella Little People character can fit perfectly inside. Push it along and you'll hear fun sound effects, plus Cinderella will "speak" phrases and you'll hear a classic song from the Cinderella movie. And, for even more magical fun, when you roll the Coach along, the peek-a-boo trunk opens and closes to reveal Cinderella's mice friends. For extra princess fun, bring Cinderella's Coach to the Little People Disney Princess Songs Palace to hear her phrases and classic song.

    Timeless Stories, Endless Play

    Cinderella's Coach is pulled by a white horse (of course!) and is loaded with character details and styling from the original movie. The top half of the coach easily opens so that Cinderella can ride to the ball in grand style. Both Cinderella and her Coach are decorated with glitter so they sparkle like diamonds. Push the Coach along to hear character phrases, sound effects and a classic Disney song just like in the Cinderella movie. And we couldn't leave Cinderella's good friends, the mice, behind. Rolling the Coach makes them "magically" pop in and out of the trunk. When you bring Cinderella to the Little People Disney Princess Songs Palace, you'll hear her say her name, fun phrases and sing a classic Disney song!

    "Imagine" the Possibilities

    The Fisher-Price Little People Disney Cinderella's Coach encourages pretend play with the universally-loved story and characters from Cinderella movie. Little girls will have fun using their imaginations and playing out the story with Prince Charming. The fun and recognizable music adds the play value. Fine motor skills develop as little ones open and close the top, and help Cinderella in and out of the Coach. Coordination is enhanced as they push and roll the toy along. And, listening to music and sounds stimulates auditory skills and helps teach language.

    Enchant with the Timeless Classic of Cinderella

    This play set comes complete with the Cinderella figure in adorable Little People styling. The Coach is pulled by a white horse and is loaded with character detail right from the original movie. The top half of the coach opens so Cinderella can ride to the ball in grand fashion. Push the Coach along to hear character phrases, sound effects and a classic Disney song. Cinderella's mice friends "magically" pop in and out of the trunk of the Coach as it moves along. To hear Cinderella sing even more fun songs and speak phrases, bring her to the Little People Disney Princess Songs Palace.

    Product Features
    • Spin wheels for sounds and music
    • Fun sounds and song when you push coach along
    • Peek-a-boo action with mice
    • Includes glittering Cinderella Little People figure
    • Includes coach with horse, mice, and open-and-close trunk

    • Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: X6025

    Custom Tab 01

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