Fisher-Price Disney Minnie, Bath Time Minnie & Figaro

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  • Make bath time fun with Minnie and her kitty cat Figaro
  • Minnie's swim suit has a color changing feature that changes color with warm water
  • Squirt water through Figaro's bow in his inner tube
  • Minnie's flippers are removable
  • Includes 5.5" Minnie figure

  • Get ready for bath time fun with Minnie and her cat Figaro. View larger Minnie's bathing suit also changes to one color in warm water, and another in cold water. View larger
    Bathtime Fun is a Splashing Good Time

    Soak up the fun with Minnie & Figaro Bathtime! Children will enjoy a bathtime splash filled with suds and smiles with Minnie and her loveable kitty cat, Figaro. Minnie is 5.5” tall and has removable flippers while Figaro is a bath squirter who squirts from a bow in his inner tube! Minnie's bathing suit also changes to one color in warm water, and another in cold water.

    Splash into fun

    Minnie and her kitty friend Figaro are ready for bath time.Will you join them You'll have splashy fun with Minnie & Figaro Bathtime! Minnie features a color changing bathing suit that alters colors depending upon whether the water is warm or cold.Figaro squirts water from a bow in his inner tube. Minnie even has removable flippers! Ready to splash into fun Let's go!

    Isn't if amazing

    Watching their faces light up as they explore, discover, play … all those moments when children learn best. That's why Fisher-Price builds learning into everything we make. With playful ways to engage curious minds, exercise little bodies, and nurture budding personalities. Because nothing's more amazing than sharing the joy of learning with your child.

    Product Features
    • Minnie with removable flippers
    • Figaro squirter

    • Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: Y1889

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