includes a push button musical chip, a safe peek a boo mirror, puzzles and more
Ideal for enhancing color recognition and fine motor skills
Logic and Reasoning
Assembled size: 40"x40" with 05" thick foam
This stimulating, textured play mat is much more than a soft mat for babies. It includes a push button musical chip, a safe peek a boo mirror, puzzles and more. It is ideal for enhancing color recognition and fine motor skills as well as audio\visual stimulator. Baby products by Edushape will enable babies to: explore, discover, visualize, and verbalize and so much more. At Edushape we encourage you to, touch with passion, laugh with love, and "bond with your baby". Most of all have fun learning together. Brand: Edushape, Model: 716106, Color: multi-colored, Size: 8"
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