The tips of the nubs are rounded for a safer, smoother tactile experience. The ideal toy for introductory ball play! Grab, toss, catch, roll, bat or kick.
The nubby texture and squeezable design make it easy for little hands to grab and hold. The shiny, translucent material attracts attention.
Roll the ball over your body for a massage effect. Squeeze the ball for a whistling sound, learning cause and effect.
Enjoy sense of smell with light vanilla scent. From 12 Months.
Its rare for baby's first ball to have this much sensory value. Baby can squeeze it, squeak it, sniff it, roll it and kick it for gross motor development. So much sensory play with its nubby texture, crystalline brilliance, and light vanilla scent. 4 1/2" (11cm) diameter. Appropriate from 12 months - Preschool Brand: Discovery Toys
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