Re-create your favorite prehistoric adventure with these phthalate-free dinosaur tub toys.
For hours of toddler tub time fun, just squeeze these toys under water and wait for them to fill with water. Then, squeeze them again and watch the water squirt and splatter out of their mouths.
With their nice flat bottoms, these brightly colored dinos make for great toys even outside of the tub.
The whole set comes packaged in a clear plastic zipper bag with lavender fabric trim and a matching nylon webbed carry handle for easy storage and transport.
Recommended for ages birth to 24 months.
Battat is a family-owned toy manufacturer that is 114 years old and has been in North America for over 40 years.
Every Battat toy has an educational value, whether it is didactic or nurturing, or collecting and creating worlds for children playing with them.
Each product is always manufactured to the highest standards under rigorous safety standards.
Set includes 5 different dinosaurs
Brightly colored
For hours of imaginative bath time play
Great fun for family and friends
Includes a reuseable storage case
Turn your bath into Jurassic Park with the Battat Dino Bath Buddies. Re-create your favorite prehistoric adventure with these phthalate-free dinosaur tub toys. For hours of toddler tub time fun, just squeeze these toys under water and wait for them to fill with water. Then, squeeze them again and watch the water squirt and splatter out of their mouths. With their nice flat bottoms, these brightly colored dinos make for great toys even outside of the tub. The whole set comes packaged in a clear plastic zipper bag with lavender fabric trim and a matching nylon webbed carry handle for easy storage and transport. Recommended for ages birth to 24 months. Brand: Battat, Model: 68058
Custom Tab 01
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