Baby Buddy Secure-A-Toy - Straps Toys, Teether, or Pacifiers to Strollers, Highchairs, Car Seats— Safety Leash With Adjustable Length to Keep Toys Sanitary & Clean, Navy/Red 2 Count

Baby Buddy
In Stock


Brand Baby Buddy
Model 00150NR
Color Navy/Red
Size 2

  • Gives moms a break: no more falling toys, teethers, pacifiers, or any babies accessories to the ground
  • Keep baby's toys at hands reach and clean and sanitary from dirt and germs on the floor
  • Safely secures to strollers, high chairs, car seats, exersaucer, and shopping carts with a snap from 2 adjustable lengths
  • Available in multiple colors for boys or girls- match your toys to this handy strap! Great baby gift idea!
  • Machine washable in mesh bag; Made in USA and Imported

  • Never lose a toy to the ground again with Baby Buddy's Secure-A-Toy straps. Whether it's fighting with the kid who throws the toys down or the baby who loses grip of them – Secure-A-Toy is the solution. It prevents moms from having to constantly bend down after falling toys and keeps the toys at your child's hands reach, Secure-A-Toy will make everyone happy. This versatile toy holder, easily fits toys, teether, snack trap, plush toy, pacifier, sippy cups, stuffed animals and the like. It connects on one side to the toy and attaches on the other end to the carriage, car seat, highchair or any baby equipment. Measuring 11 inches/27 cm long, the strap is designed with 2 adjustable lengths with a convenient snap to secure. Say goodbye to the germs and dirt on your toys as the strap secures the fall to the dirt. Be practical and fun at the same time, with a variety of colors to customize and accessorize your toys to the straps. Use with adult supervision only. Check out our other Baby Buddy products because Every Baby Needs a Buddy.

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