Chewbeads Jane Teething Necklace (Cherry Red) - Original Fashionable Infant Teething Jewelry for Mom. 100% Medical Grade Silicone Safe for Teething Babies and Toddlers. BPA Free

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  • CHEWBEADS ORIGINAL. Chewbeads is the original manufacturer of 100% silicone teething jewelry and accessories
  • MOMMY CHIC, BABY SAFE. Chewbeads teething jewelry is soothing on babies gums and emerging teeth. Instant teething relief and gum massage. Stimulates visual, motor, and sensory development
  • HIGHEST QUALITY. Chewbeads' teething necklaces for Mom are made with 100% medical grade silicone. Silicone teething beads are made with NO BPA, phthalates, cadmium, leads or metals. All items are 3rd party tested
  • EASY TO CLEAN. Chewbeads silicone jewelry is premium quality silicone that is easily cleaned with soap and water, or top rack dishwasher safe
  • GREAT FOR NURSING. Chewbeads teether necklaces are a great sensory tool to help babies focus while nursing, and have a break away clasp for added safety


    Chewbeads Jane Teething Necklace - Cherry Red

    No busy woman wants to give up wearing cute mom jewelry just because she has a baby. Worried about her son or daughter pulling on the piece of jewelry around her neck, she may give up wearing them and opt not to wear a necklace at all. Luckily, women with small babies and toddlers do not have to make that choice anymore thanks to our silicone bead necklace.

    The Chewbeads Jane teething necklace offers the kind of bold styling that will keep you ahead of the trends while offering completely safe and useful construction for your baby. All of our silicone teether necklaces are made from 100% BPA-, lead-, cadmium- and phthalate-free silicone. This silicone teething necklace for mom combines a benefit for your baby without sacrificing style. We also have a Jane kids chew necklace so mom and daughter can match.

    100% silicone beads (similar to pacifiers and nipples) Soft on babies gums and emerging teeth No BPA, phthalates, cadmium, lead, metals Easily cleaned with dish soap and water, also dishwasher safe Necklaces have a breakaway clasp for added safety Necklaces are a great sensory tool to help babies focus while nursing
    Brand: Chewbeads, Model: CHB-1000-CHR, Color: Cherry Red, Size: regular

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