Perfect for freezing meat, chicken, fish, and vegetables
Helps preserve the original flavor of food
Designed exclusively to protect food and prevent freezer burn
Features our Smart Zip Plus Seal and Easy Open Tabs
Made of durable and long-lasting plastic. BPA free
Ziploc Freezer Bags now feature our Easy Open Tabs. Protect your food with Ziploc Freezer Bags. Each bag locks shut to help prevent freezer burn while keeping food fresh and full of taste. Less freezer burn means less wasted food and money. These tough, durable freezer bags feature our Smart Zip Plus Seal which lets you feel, hear and see the bag close from edge-to-edge, so you can feel confident your meat, poultry, and fish are protected from freezer burn. Ideal for bringing recipe ideas to life, creating simple desserts, conquering meal prep, and making healthy freezer meals. Brand: Ziploc, Model: VBPUKALIZINW4816, Size: 84 Count
Custom Tab 01
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