Zint Xylitol is an all-natural sweetener that offers the same delicious sweetness as sugar without the weight gain, blood sugar spikes or tooth decay
Pure premium xylitol powder sourced from all-natural, organic, non-GMO corn with no preservatives
Looks, measures and tastes just like sugar with 40% fewer calories and 75% fewer carbs
Metabolizes in the body without insulin, making it ideal for diabetics and others on sugar-controlled diets
Low Glycemic Index of 7 (as opposed to 58 for table sugar)
Looking for the best sugar substitute Zint Xylitol sweetener is harvested naturally from non-GMO corn, which is more environmentally friendly than birch xylitol. Unlike any other sugar substitutes, xylitol is a completely natural sweetener, not to be confused with artificial sweeteners that have known toxicity issues. Brand: Zint, Size: 16 Oz. Bag
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