Yookidoo Bath Toy - Submarine Spray Station - Battery Operated Water Pump With Hand Shower And More

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  • Submarine Spray Station Baby Bath Toy Encourages Independent Play And Exploration During Bath Time
  • Features A Battery Operated Water Circulation Pumping System That Attaches To The Tub
  • Water Is Drawn Through The Submarine To The Diver Shower Head Creating A Safe, Steady Stream
  • Directing The Water Flow Into One Of The Two Funnels Generates A Chain Reaction Of Magical Effects
  • Recommended For Children Ages 2-6 - Batteries Not Included

  • Baby bath toys are a great way to encourage learning and fun in the tub. This Submarine Spray Station is the perfect bath time toy for your little one! Yookidoo's new bath toy encourages independent play and exploration, while teaching young children complex forms of cause and effect. Make bath time fun for your baby with this spray station, as they simultaneously improve their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and problem solving skills. The battery operated circulation pumping system that attaches to the bottom of the tub draws water through the submarine, up to the diver shower head. The shower head produces a safe, steady stream of water when your child squeezes the double sided trigger located on the sides of the diver. Directing the stream from the shower head into one of the two funnels generates a chain reaction of surprising magical effects in the bath tub. The Submarine Spray Station can also be used to wash your baby or toddler by maintaining a sustainable environment through recycling water at a constant temperature. About Yookidoo: Yookidoo's credo, Celebrating Discovery, is more than just a promise to you and your baby. It's the very essence of their approach to innovation in creating developmental toys that encourage your baby or toddler's personal developmental breakthrough. Conceived by the internationally renowned baby toys' team of Golos-Weisman Design, Yookidoo's exclusive products possesses a unique design language founded on extensive and ongoing observation of babies and infants and an in-depth understanding of their unique world. It's a world filled with stimulating challenges that babies encounter and Yookidoo tries to filter it through their perspective. More than toys, they are a path to awaken a child's sense of delight, wonder and accomplishment at learning to process the world.
    Brand: Yookidoo, Model: 40139

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