Yomega Maverick – High Performance, Wing Shaped Aluminum Metal Yoyo with C Size Roller Bearing for Pro Level Tricks and Responsive Return (Colors May Vary)

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  • THE YOMEGA MAVERICK: An aluminum metal responsive ball bearing Yo-Yo, features a wing shaped body design, a weighted perimeter, and a standardized C size ball bearing with internal silicone response pads
  • WELL DESIGNED: The Maverick, made from aircraft grade aluminum, is very durable. Silicone return pads combine to deliver a super smooth, low friction spin.
  • PERFECT FOR ADVANCED STRING TRICKS:Designed for high speed spins, the Maverick is the perfect choice for learning how to master advanced string tricks.
  • MAVERICK ANATOMY: Maverick has clean body lines, weighs 60 g, and has a 52.3 mm diameter and a 3.5 mm gap width.
  • YOMEGA: Inventor of the high-performance Yo-Yo

  • Yomega Elite Metals – The Maverick

    The Yomega Maverick is a professional high-performance yo-yo. It is a wing shaped yo yo made from anodized aircraft grade aluminum. The design features a weighted perimeter, and a standardized C size ball bearing with internal silicone response pads. This yoyo provides the player a high-end experience at an affordable price.

    Perfect for Advanced String Tricks

    The Yomega Maverick features a wing shaped body design and high-grade steel C size ball bearing. Designed for high speed spins, the Maverick is the perfect choice for learning how to master advanced string tricks. Whether you are trying to master Double or Nothing, Atom Smasher or any other trick, this is the yo-yo for you. The Maverick's aluminum alloy body, weighted perimeter and smooth return system make this the best choice for yo-yo players looking to take their skills to the next level.

    Maverick Anatomy

    The Yomega Maverick is made from air craft aluminum with a wing shaped design and an anodized finish. In addition, the Maverick features a C size roller bearing, plus silicone response pads that combine to deliver super long spins and a responsive return. The Maverick weighs 60 g, has a 52.3 mm diameter and a 3.5 mm gap width.

    Brand: Yomega, Model: 875, Color: Silver

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