Yamaha NS-6490 3-Way Bookshelf Speakers Finish (Pair) Black

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  • These 3-way speakers can be added anywhere in your home component sound system front or rear speakers, even as auxiliary speakers for another room
  • Each speaker enclosure has 3 drivers - an 8 woofer/ a 4 midrange/ a 0.75 dome tweeter that work together to provide an 45Hz to 23Khz frequency response range
  • Magnetically shielded to suit home-theater applications

  • Upgrade your current 5.1 home theater to a 7.1-Channel surround sound system by adding a pair of Yamaha NS-6490 bookshelf speakers. The NS-6490 speaker was designed for both professional and home entertainment enthusiasts with the capability to deliver a full, clear, and tight sound response. This elegant 3-way shelf speaker delivers rich, room-filling, high-fidelity sound by utilizing an ultra-wide frequency response, an impressive 8" high-output woofer, 4" midrange driver, 7/8" balanced dome tweeter, and 140W of power.
    Brand: Yamaha, Model: NS-6490, Color: black

    Custom Tab 01

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