Xuron 410AS Shear with Static Control Grips

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  • Type: Micro-Shear, Anti-static grips
  • Style: Flush
  • Project type: Electronics
  • Materials: Wire, Electronic Lead Wire, Cord Sets, Copper Wire
  • Packaged In A Retail Blister Pack

  • The 410A Ultra Flush Cutting Shear features a Micro-Shear blade by-pass and minimal outside bevel. Cuts small or soft material with virtually no pinch. Leaves a finished or near finished surface. Convenient Light Touch spring returns shear to its open position after each use. Exclusive Xuro-Rubber grips provide both comfort and the secure grasp required for precise control. For use only on soft materials. Use with paper clips and other hard materials will result in scarring of the edges. Cut differs from that provided by the 410T only in terms of smoothness, not in terms of how closely it will cut against an adjacent surface.
    Brand: XURON

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