Xantrex 8090913 Inverter

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Brand Xantrex
Model 8090913

  • Xantrex Freedom Sequence Intelligent Power Manager - Requires SCP (48479)

  • Freedom Sequence Intelligent Power Manager (EMS)The Xantrex Freedom Sequence is an intelligent energy management system (EMS) that provides automatic power & load management for Recreational Vehicles (RVs) when powered by shore power or generator.IQ FOR YOUR RV OR BOAT!Together with the Freedom SW Inverter/Charger, System Control Panel (SCP) and Automatic Generator Start (AGS), the Freedom Sequence provides a complete integrated power management solution for RVs. The Freedom Sequence enables you to monitor and control all the power components from a single, easy to use System Control Panel, rather than multiple, mismatched, control panels. When used with the Freedom SW Inverter/Charger and the Automatic Generator Start, the Freedom Sequence provides automatic generator starting and stopping and automatic inverter assist support for maximum load usage, all behind the scenes. These power components that form a single, cohesive 'Freedom SW Power System' are manufactured by Xantrex and are able to communicate with each other.The Freedom Sequence automatically manages RV power needs while helping to minimize the nuisance caused by tripping of circuit breakers.Features:Manages the complex RV or boat power system from a single remote System Control PanelSmooth integration with the Freedom SW inverter/charger to provide a total power solutionPower management for different available sources including 50Amp Service, 30Amp Service, 20Amp Service and GeneratorIndependent modular design allows use with any breaker panelAutomatic inverter assist mode to provide additional power to support high peak power demandsAutomatically sheds and re-engages loads to avoid the nuisance circuit breaker tripping4 AC and 4 DC relays for wider options on load sheddingAutomatic detection of 120/240 Vac s

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