X-Rite ColorChecker White Balance Card (M50101)

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  • ColorChecker White Balance is a full-size version of the white reference square from the 24-patch ColorChecker Classic.
  • The 24-patch ColorChecker Classic is scientifically engineered to prevent color shifts and provide a spectrally neutral, uniform surface
  • Use to adjust your digital camera's color sensitivity to exactly match the ambient lighting conditions

  • The ColorChecker White Balance target is now improved to enhance its effectiveness as a tool for white balancing a digital camera. When this card was first introduced to the market in 2003, popular opinion was that in order to accurately set the white balance of a camera the target needed to be white. However, through extensive testing with the latest major digital camera models, we have found that a more accurate color to use is a light gray. Therefore, the lightness level of the color has been changed to match the same formula currently used in the ColorChecker Passport. Lightness is not the only change. The target is also more spectrally neutral than the prior white formula. This ensures there is no color bias when using the target for white balancing and delivers a better color rendition. The new enhanced color formula will give photographers another level of color accuracy in their color managed digital workflow.
    Brand: X-Rite, Model: M50101, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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