WWE Battle Pack Series #32 - Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H Action Figure (2-Pack)

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  • Bring home the officially licensed WWE action
  • Dynamic personality pack celebrates key rivalries, Champions, Divas, tag teams and siblings
  • Each figure stands approximately 6-inches and comes with authentic ring gear and signature expression
  • Includes iconic accessories and battle objects like chairs, stretchers, crutches or a Championship
  • Get the entire collection and host your own high thrills WWE action battles!

  • Put two Superstars together, and have twice the slammin' good time! This dynamic, no-holds barred personality pack celebrates key rivalries, Champions, Divas, manager/talent, tag teams and siblings. With the included iconic accessory and authentic WWE detailing, you can recreate realistic, big event matches. Get the entire collection and host your own high thrills WWE action battles right out of the pack! Each sold separately. Ages 6 and older.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: CHP75

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