Worx AIR 20V 2.0AH Battery Charger Included Multi-Purpose Blower/Sweeper/Cleaner with 120 MPH/80 CFM Output, 3.5 lb Weight, 20V Battery PowerShare Platform, with Accessories - WG545.1

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  • Use attachments included to create a CLEANZONE in an around your home
  • High blower speed handles large areas. No-load speed 12500/min
  • Clears hard-to-reach places, ideal for hard surfaces
  • Sweeps debris from shops, garages, driveways and yards
  • 120 mph air speed with 80 cfm air flow
  • 8 innovative attachments included for a variety of clean-up & inflating/deflating tasks
  • Ultra-lightweight, compact design - only 3.5 lbs so easy to use and store
  • Share battery across multiple WORX tools within the 20V Power Share platform

  • Spring will be here before you know it and the WORX AIR is your ideal partner for spring clean-up. WORX AIR is a multi-purpose blower and sweeper that comes with 8 convenient attachments included to create a CLEANZONE around the entry points to your home. Did you know 85% of the dirt in your home is tracked, blown or carried in from entry points like your garage, deck, porch or workshop With the WORX AIR, clean-up is easier and faster because you don't have to move a single thing. The 20-volt MAX Lithium battery gives you cordless clean-up without any smelly exhaust or tangled cords. The WORX Air has all kinds of attachments for cleaning, clearing, sweeping, dusting, inflating, deflating, and even drying all sorts of things around your home. Use it all around your home with its flexible tube and a variety of nozzles designed to reach tight spaces for detailed clearing and cleaning of debris. Use the inflator nozzle to blow up mattresses and pool toys. The WORX AIR even comes with a deflator cone to quickly and easily deflate those bulky inflatables in the home, the RV or boat. Outside the home, the dust brush is excellent for clearing spider webs, cleaning window sills from pollen and dirt, and blowing away leaves, twigs and other yard debris. The wide nozzle creates a wide airflow for drying flat surfaces or sweeping wider areas. Also, the WORX AIR is a great auto detailing companion. Use it to dry wheels and tires, and even your entire car. The WORX AIR comes with 8 attachments: long tube, short tube, dust brush, extension hose, dust nozzle, detail brush, inflator nozzle, deflation cone cover and wide nozzle.
    Brand: Worx, Model: WG545.1, Color: Beige, Size: battery included

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