Woodward's Gripe Water 130ml Bottle

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Woodward's Gripe Water Alcohol & Sugar Free has been a trusted product in the UK for years. Gripe is caused by muscle spasms and excess acid created when air bubbles form in baby's tummy. When the air bubbles get trapped in a baby's stomach the stomach thinks it is full of food, so acids are produced which would normally break down the food particles. These acids are not needed and can cause irritation. At the same time, because the stomach is full of air bubbles, its muscles are unable to relax causing cramps and spasms. Woodward's Gripe Water contains oil of Dill herb and Sodium Bicarbonate and brings rapid relief of wind and gripe. Dill Seed Oil warms and relaxes the tummy, breaking down trapped air bubbles. Sodium Bicarbonate neutralises acid in the baby's tummy. The results are usually a resounding burp.
Brand: New

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