Length: 24" Overall chime length is measured from top of gather ring / knob to bottom of wind catcher
Beautifully finished, provides years of pleasure in a garden, near a door or as a gift
Over 30 years ago, Grammy award-winning musician and instrument designer Garry Kvistad created the first Woodstock Chime from an aluminum lawn chair he found in a landfill; Garry and his wife Diane founded Woodstock Chimes in 1979 and still develop the chimes today
This wind chime produces the soulful sounds common to many traditional Irish airs. Ever since the first bardic poem was set to music, the Celtic people have woven the story of their lives into a rich musical legacy of matchless beauty. For hundreds of years these songs and melodies were preserved only in human memory, and so it is believed that many have been forever lost. We hope that in the random patterns played by this instrument of the wind, you may hear a familiar Irish tune or rediscover one that has long been forgotten. Brand: Woodstock Chimes, Model: WCCS, Color: See Item, Size: See Item
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